These series are specially created by Ms. Bi Shumin for children. The first series includes five volumes of "Xiaoyu Borrowing Tears", "Xiaoyu Planting Seeds of Wheat", "Xiaoyu Listening to the Concert", "Xiaoyu Sneezing" and "Xiaoyu's Tongue Is Sick". It integrates warmth, philosophy, popular science, cognitive enlightenment, life enlightenment, character development, and spiritual growth into the book, focusing on topics such as the sensory world, emotional management, and behavioral courtesy, and switches small scenes in the real life into text images. The works develop children's observation, imagination and creativity. The protagonist of the story, Xiaoyu, is a lively and lovely boy. He is full of curiosity about everything. Through the description of Xiaoyu's growth experience, the book shows children's emotions and psychology. It combines narrativity, knowledge and fun to read into one in the book, making it a good partner for children on the road to growth.
Bi Shumin, an influential female writer in the Chinese-speaking world, a national first-class writer, a psychologist, and a traveler who has traveled around the world. She was called "the angel in white in the literary world" by Wang Meng. Bi Shumin's writing style is elegant and peaceful, full of sentiment and love which has beneficial influence towards young children. Her work is deeply loved by readers and have won many awards.