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Huaiyin Li Huaiyin Li, a Ph.D. in History, University of California, Los Angeles and a professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin, Director of the Center for East Asian Studies (2015-2021). His major works include Reconstructing Modern China, Chronicle of Rural China, and Village Governance in North China. He has edited two large-scale book series, including "Rethinking of Chinese Socialism and the Road of Reform" and "Research on Contemporary Chinese History". He has published dozens of papers in academic journals such as "Chinese Social Sciences" and "Hi…
Huang Yongyu Huang Yongyu, a painter and poet,born in Feng Huang county of Hu Nan province,who achieves mastery through all kinds categories of arts, and attains perfection of them. He is the author of poetry collections including “There Was once a Time”, “The Pied Piper”, “Singing All the Way Home”, the travel book, “Along the Seine to Firenze”(Chinese,Italian,French versions), and the novel “The Lothario in the River of No Worries”and etc. He once made illustrations for “Ashima”,“In the Forest”and etc. He also designed and drew zodiac stamps “Monkey”.He was once awarded the Italian Grand C…

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